
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - July 2015


"All the principles of Islam have an aspect of wisdom in them. Whether it is an occasion of happiness or sadness, each occasion and each moment will be purposeful only if the creator and the Lord is remembered.The real God who deserved to be worshipped is remembered. The sustainer is remembered and He is thanked."

Eid ul Fitr is in fact a collection of much happiness. One cause of happiness is fasting for the month of Ramadan, other source of happiness is the staying up and praying in the nights of Ramadan,

The third source of happiness is the revelation of Quran in the Ramadan and the fourth cause of happiness is that of Layla tul Qadar and the fifth reason for happiness is the promise of reward and forgiveness for the persons who fast in Ramadan and redemption from the Hellfire.

Then expression of all of these happiness’s is ordered to be done by by Sadqa (charity) and alms giving which is known as Sadqa-e-Fitr so that the good deed of sadqa and alms giving is also included along with worship. These are the reasons on basis of which

Eid ul Fitr is stated to be a day of happiness and rejoicement for the believers. There is no doubt that Eid is a day of happiness but this does not mean that on this day you do whatever comes to your heart without any consideration.

Many people use the day of Eid and happiness as an excuse to cross the limits of Shariah in the name of happiness and entertainment and this includes both men and women. That is that you keep fast for the entire month of Ramadan and then on the

Chaand raat in the name of shopping spend the night in the bazaars and the night which is the night of reward, we invoke the anger of Allah.

On Eid day most of the people either sit at home all day and watch shameless programs on television all day , watching movies or they go to the cinema in the evening and celebrate the "happiness of Eid"

Some of our sisters listen to music on the television at home all day. Though this is the day of forgiveness and reward of Allah we invoke Allah's anger by indulging in such activities.


In the days of Eid many men along with their unveiled women come out of their houses. The unveiled women dress up and go to bazaars, markets and parks and become a cause of trial for many people while on the other hand Allah and His Prophet (  ﷺ­) have prohibited such actions and have ordered the women to not leave the houses without veil.

It has been stated by Allah that:

وَ قَرْنَ فِیْ بُیُوْتِکُنَّ وَ لَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاھِلِیَّۃِ الْاُوْلٰی

"And stay in your houses and do not display your adornment like you used to do in the days of the Jahiliyah"  (Al-Ahzaab 33:33)

The prophet (ﷺ­) has stated that: "The woman is Satar (something to be hidden).When she leaves the house the Satan is on the lookout for her hence she is closest to Allah's rehmah when she is inside her house" (sahih ibn haban 5591)

The prophet Muhammad (ﷺ­) stated that:"The woman who applies perfume and passes near the men so that they can smell her perfume is like an adulterous"

(Sunan Abi Dawood 4167)

All the principles of Islam have an aspect of wisdom in them. Whether it is an occasion of happiness or sadness, each occasion and each moment will be purposeful only if the creator and the Lord is remembered.

The real God who deserved to be worshipped is remembered. The sustainer is remembered and He is thanked. The purpose of celebrating Eid is to thank the granter of the one who provides us all his blessings, to remember the granting of his blessings and to accept the great favor of his kindnesses upon us. To offer prayer of thanks for his countless blessings and to spread word of his rewards. It is stated by Himself that

وَاِن تَعُدُّوا نِعمَةَ اللّٰہِ لَا تُحصُوھَا

[Surah nahal verse 18] 

"If you wanted to count the blessings of Allah you would not be able to count them."

We can remember the kindness of Allah upon receiving his rewards and blessings. Celebrating happiness is a part and parcel of human nature and our logical mind also supports this. But the question is that how to celebrate it? We will have to look into the background.

Eid ul Fitr is the Eid of Muslims. Take for instance Ramadan, the background of which is such that we fast in this month and by fasting the nafs is controlled. The looseness of character in our thoughts is also gotten rid of. Fear of Allah and piety are attained by fasting and the impurity of thoughts is cleaned off.

It has scientific benefits as well as spiritual and physical. Taraweeh prayer, the attendance of namaz and the spring of reciting the Quran , all of these bring beauty to the world of the heart, remove the sins and the fear of Allah makes the thoughts clean and pure and then the moon of the 1st of Shawwal (Eid ul Fitr) appears.

The background of Eid is that we should celebrate happiness but with the spirit of Islam intact, and within the injunction of the sayings of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ­), with the agreement of Allah , with the following of Shariah and with the longevity of good deeds and with the happiness of the poor and with the help for the needy. Not with arrogance and pride but rather with sincerity, love, caring, humility and kindness, then the sun of good promises will rise, and the fragrant winds from the Green Dome will come, the flower of the heart will bloom and the world of the heart will become fragrant and the air will become filled with light.

Then worries, problems, illnesses, household problems, different kinds of sadness will be dispelled. This will all happen when we will celebrate our occasions based on the sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ­)

It is hoped that the readers will try to mend their ways and will stay away from these practical mistakes. May Allah give them the ability to do so and also accept their efforts towards good deeds.   Amen.

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